Think Set Up Is Your Fundamental Hopes And Dreams From Yester
This Historic Data Base Of Intelligence Knowledge Opens Up Good Body Cells Daily
Do you remember thoughts of does faith or spiritual healing really work?
Factual answer: Positively yes, thou universal mind works everywhere, all the time and forever always!
Spirituality is quite practicle, very practicle, intensely practicle. It teaches that spirit is the real thing, the whole thing, and that matter is but plastic stuff, which spirit is able to create, mould, manipulate and fashion to its will. Spirituality is the most practicle thing in the world. The only really and absolutely practicle thing that there is!
Your God is already infinitely everywhere good or sow, and infinitely caring and merciful to all in all.
God does not sit around (heaven?) waiting to be asked to heal people in order to start doing it. He already gives everyone as much Self Helpwithin their own personal interest.
The relief of sickness and poverty on earth is our responsibility, to be taken care of with the knowledge of medicine and the hard work that we are capable of giving.
It is true that many illnesses are psychosomatically induced, and can be helped by The Power of Positive Thinking. If we truly believe that we are being healed, our body can heal and cure itself. The mind and the body interact in ways that as yet, doctors are not fully aware of. The placebo effect is well known. A person with a raging headache will take a pill that they think is a regular codeine pain pill, but which is in reality only a sugar pill, and the headache disappears just as if it were real medicine.
As soon as You have theory of mind, you have the possibility of deceiving others, or being deceived. This, in turn, generates a sense of fairness and unfairness, which could lead to moral codes and the possibility of an unseen "enforcer" - God – who can see and punish all wrong-doers. Once you have these additions of the imagination, maybe theories of God are inevitable.
Universal fact act :God helps those who Self Helpthemselves first!
Your Total Trusted Future Mind
Assuming that YOU are earning $40,000 a year and that YOU feel that your mental product should be worth $100,000 a year which is the basic for your calculation, then any method which would assist YOU to increase your earning power to $100,000 would be worth $60,000 a year to YOU .
If your seeking an "effective" method which brings YOU health, efficiency in time, efficiency in creative power, or increase your ability to concentrate, should be worth $60,000 a year of Extra Reward Integrity From Your Creative Mental Trust Account.
Self Help Mental Life Guidance Evaluation "in less than 20 minutes from right now"
Attain this established fundamental 5 step test because it reveals your future mind set blessings.
90 per cent of your "mental system" is never or seldom used,
therefore, YOU and most people have the power to achieve ten or twenty times as much as they ever accomplished. Mental Health experts say: five of the ten leading causes of disability are related to mental disorders which contributes to suffering and illness.
This 5 step test provides fast mental evaluation and will tell exactly where YOU stand, what YOU are achieving and what YOU can accomplish if YOU make the necessary effort to do the 20 minutes test reveals your essence adventure.
Free Helpful Quiz For Your Mind Fundamental Dynamics
... ask God®
How You Think You
Step One ~Mental Thought.......... %
Step Two ~Health and Body........ %
Step Three ~ Time Efficiency........ %
Step Four ~Creative Power.......... %
Step Five ~Concentration............. %
Now begin step 1 of 4 more steps to follow.
The first test is your mental product.
What is it really worth?
Are you getting full value for it?
What YOU get for your mental product depends entirely upon your ability to sell it to the best advantage. The chances are that many people with no more ability than yourself are being paid ten, twenty or fifty times more than YOU are, for a product no better than yours.
If so, there is a reason, and this Mental Evaluation will explain it.
Estimate the value of what you have to sell, your knowledge, your experience, your loyalty, your energy, and if YOU are marketing it at its full rate value give
yourself 100 per cent, if YOU are only getting one-half of what it is worth give yourself 50 per cent; but be fair; do not under-estimate the value of what YOU have to offer; remember that "loss leads to greater loss" and most "loss" comes from SELF depreciation.
Cause and effect do not operate somewhere, sometimes, but everywhere and always. This is an invarible law, so that whatever YOU receive, good or bad, is the result of a definite cause and reaches YOU either as a penalty or a reward.
Your ability to sell your mental product does not depend upon your ability or knowledge. Remember, the reason is very plain.
Knowledge does not apply itself; because YOU are allowing it to remain in static form; YOU must convert it into dynamic form by applying creative power and concentration.
The lack of concentrated, intelligent, charted effort may be costing YOU alot of money a year.
fill out ~ Step 1 ~ Mental Product ......... ? %
Now begin step 2 ...
Next take health.
If YOU eat well, sleep well, take a reasonable amount of recreation, and can attend to your business, profession or household duties without any consideration for or thought of the state of your health, give yourself 100 per cent; but if your body needs constant attention, if YOU have to be continually worried about what to eat or what not to eat.
If you cannot sleep, or if you have aches or pains of any description, deduct from the 100 per cent; if YOU think your health is 90 per cent of what it should be give yourself 90 per cent, or if YOU are only 50 per cent efficient, put it down, but be absolutely fair.
Remember that your physical body is maintained through a process of continuous destruction and reconstruction. Life is simply an exchange of the old for the new, and health is only the equilibrium which Nature maintains during the process of creating new tissue and eliminating the old or waste tissue.
Birth and death are constantly taking place in your body, new cells are constantly being formed by the process of converting food, water and air into living tissue.
Every action of the brain, every movement of a muscle means the destruction and consequent death of some of these cells and the accumulation of these dead, unused and waste cells is what causes pain, suffering and disease.
The symptoms depends upon what organs are being taxed in their effort to eliminate the waste matter.
An understanding of these Laws and a consequent knowledge as to how to perserve an equilibrium between the new cells which are being created and the old cells which are being eliminated is The True Secret of Perfect Health.
Step 1 ~ Mental Product ......... ? %
fill out ~
Step 2 ~ Health ...................... ? %
Now begin step 3 ...
Next in importance comes time efficiency, because time is all that YOU have, and what YOU accomplish depends entirely upon what use YOU make of your time .
If YOU work eight hours, sleep eight hours, and use eight hours for recreation , study and SELF improvement knowledge and all the earthly time is fully utilized, give yourself 100 per cent.
But if any part of the eight hours which should be sold at a profit is spent in idleness, or gossip, or any form of Mental BS crap; if any part of this time is wasted, or worse than wasted by allowing your thought to rest on critical, discordant or inharmonious subjects of any kind, cut down your percentage accordingly.
If YOU fall asleep the minute your head touches the pillow, all right, but if YOU spend from fifteen minutes to a hour trying to get to sleep, cut your percentage down again; if your sleep is disturbed by dreams of fear or worry of any kind, cut your percentage down again.
If YOU jump up early and feel refreshed and vigorous, if YOU bathe and make your toilet without loss of any unnecessary time, well and good, but if you idle or dream or fritter away from fifteen minutes to a half-hour needlessly, cut your percentage down again.
If YOU spend the rest of your time in good healthy recreation, which benefits YOU , both physically and mentally, well and good; YOU are acquiring capital which will have a cash value, but if YOU let the time get away from you with nothing to show for it, YOU are not better physically, mentally or morally; if the time has gone and left nothing of value, then it has been lost for it may leave something detrimental, something which will prove a handicap in your race for success.
Here again YOU must be fair with yourself and give yourself exactly the percentage to which YOU are entitled.
Step 1 ~ Mental Product ......... ? %
Step 2 ~ Health ...................... ? %
fill out ~
Step 3 ~ Time Efficiency ....... ? %
Now begin step 4 ...
Next comes your creative power.
If most persons whom YOU meet do what YOU want them to do; if they feel toward YOU as YOU wish them to feel; if they think what you want them to think, give yourself 100 per cent, because everything YOU get must come from others; there is no other channel by which success can reach YOU .
This creative power must be unconsciously exercised, it must be your personality; if, however, YOU have to make a tremendous effort when you wish to accomplish something, if YOU have to exert will power, if YOU must fret and worry and stew over the result of an important interview, cut your percentage down to 50 per cent or 40 per cent, or even less, because YOU do not understand the principle involved.
When YOU understand there will be no cause for anxiety; YOU will know, because in the first place YOU will never want or expect anyone to do anything except what is best for them; YOU will understand that every transaction must benefit both parties.
When YOU understand these Universal Laws, when the principles becomes a vital part of your life, when they are involved in your mental attitude, YOU will have found the treasures of GodScope Meditations and all doors will be open to You: because YOU will understand that every event , every condition, every thing was first an idea, and that just to the extent that YOU grow quiet, and focus your attention on that idea, stilling all the activities of the mind, and eliminating other thoughts from your consciousness, will the various phases and possibilities of the idea develop; and just in accordance with the definiteness with which YOU picture that idea, and the extent to which the idea takes possession of YOU will the creative power do its work, and the creative power will eventually take control and direct every activity of both mind and body and will begin to shape every condition related to the idea, so that sooner or later the idea will come forth in definite tangible form.
If YOU understand this thoroughly, and have demonstrated it time and time again, so that YOU can mould and shape and determine conditions, give yourself 100 per cent.
Step 1 ~ Mental Product ......... ? %
Step 2 ~ Health ...................... ? %
Step 3 ~ Time Efficiency ....... ? %
fill out ~
Step 4 ~ Creative Power ......... ? %
Now begin step 5 ...
Next comes concentration .
Can you concentrate?
Do YOU know what it means to concentrate?
Can YOU direct the thought to any problem which may arise, for five or ten or fifteen minutes, to the absolute exclusion of everything else?
Can YOU unravel, disintegrate, take the problem apart, see the solution, see it definitely, conclusively and finally, and know that your solution is correct?
Can YOU then dismiss the matter and turn your attention to something else without ever recurring to the matter again?
If YOU can do this, give yourself 100 per cent.
If, however, YOU are haunted by fears, troubles, anxieties; if, when YOU have no problem to solve, YOU make one for yourself by drawing on your imagination, if YOU are afraid of what this person says, or the other thinks or someone does, then cut down your percentage, because if YOU knew how to concentrate YOU would not be afraid of anyone or anything; YOU would be in possession of power which would make every other known power sink into insignificance.
Be careful to give yourself exactly the percentage to which YOU feel you are entitled.
final fill out and total ~
Now strike your average and
see where YOU remain percentage wise.
Are YOU above the average score ?
(reveals: sample mental evaluator example)
Step 1 ~ Mental Product ......... 50 %
Step 2 ~ Health ...................... 80 %
Step 3 ~ Time Efficiency ....... 80 %
Step 4 ~ Creative Power ......... 50 %
Step 5 ~ Concentration ........... 10 %
Total the above five steps example .............. 270 %
Divide the above five steps average = 54 % accountability
Assuming that YOU are earning $40,000 a year and that YOU feel that your mental product should be worth $100,000 a year which is the basic for your calculation, then any method which would assist YOU to increase your earning power to $100,000 would be worth $60,000 a year to you.
Once again; if your seeking an "effective method" which brings YOU health, efficiency in time, efficiency in creative power, or increase your ability to concentrate, should be worth $60,000 a year of wealth from your Universal Mental Bank Accounts.
how you think you
Dear GOD ... what is life? " Life is that quality or principle of the Universal energy, force and power which manifests in so-called organic objects as growth and voluntary activity, and which is usually co-existent in some degree, with some manifestation of that same Universal energy, force and power quality or principle termed intelligence. You must understand that there is only one Supreme Principle, evading all comprehension of its essential nature. It is the Absolute. Man can think only in terms of the relative. Therefore, humans sometimes define it as the Universal Intelligence, the Universal Substance, as Ether, Life, Mind, Spirit, Truth, Love, God, etc.. Our particular definition at any moment is governed by the particular relationship of the phenomena of Being in which we think of our Principle at the moment."
Dear GOD ... how is the law governing success or prosperity placed in operation? " The human brain is the finest and most vibrant mechanism in existence. Every time you think you send a message into the formless energy from which and by which all things are created. This starts a train of causation which relates with the things that correspond with the image of your though. If your thought is sufficiently refined and concentrated you will be placed in harmony with the object of your thought quickly ; if not, more time will be required. Most persons are busily engaged in concentrating upon lack, limitation, loss and disharmony of every kind, and they are therefore attracting these conditions ; a few are busily engaged in concentrating upon success, prosperity and harmonious conditions generally, and find that their environment reflects the quality of their thought."
Dear GOD ... how is prayer answered? " The Universal Mind, the Omnipotent Power, the Supreme Being, does not change the modus operandi of the Universe, in order to comply with our requests, nor does it make exceptions, but it does act through well-known laws, and these laws can be placed into operation, consciously or unconsciously, by accident or design. It is the operation of this marvellous law of attraction which has caused humans in all ages and in all times to believe that there must be a personal Being who responded to their petitions and manipulated events in order to meet their demands."
Dear GOD ... what is truth? " Truth is the imperative condition of all well-being. To be sure, to know the truth and to stand confidently on it is a satisfaction beside which no other is comparable. Truth is the underlying verity, the condition preceeding every business or social relation. Truth is the only solid ground in a world of conflict and doubt and danger. Every act not in harmony with Truth, whether through ignorance or design, cuts the ground from under our feet, leads to discord, inevitable loss and confusion, for while the humblest mind can accurately fortell the result of every correct action, the greatest, most profound and penetrating mind loses its way hopelessly and can form no conception of the results due to a departure from correct principles."
Dear GOD ... what should be the attitude toward the giant evils of the day, such as war, corruption, murder, vice, theft and the like? " The unit of the Nation is the individual. The Government represents only the average intelligence of the units comprising the Nation. Therefore, our work is with the unit. When the thought of the individual has been changed the collective thought will take care of itself, but we try to reverse the process. We try to change governments instead of individuals, which cannot be done. But with a little intelligent organized effort the present destructive thought could be readily changed into constructive thoughts."
Dear GOD ... What explanation is given of the fact that although a great majority of the people not only throughout Europe but in the United States are sick of war and want only peace and a return to prosperous normal conditions is such a slow, hard process? " There is, of course, as you say, no desire on the part of anyone for more war, just as there is no desire for poverty, crime of for any other destructive condition, but there is, on the other hand, a conscious and a subconscious desire for the things which bring about war, destruction, poverty and crime, and this lust of power or separation is the old question of who is to be the greatest in the kingdom?The law is not a respecter of persons. This is true concerning nations as well as individuals. Nations as well as individuals will eventually learn that force can always be met with equal if not superior force, and for this reason can never be determining factor of any situation. Objective harmony can come only as a result of subjective harmony, and subjective harmony can come only as a result of vision, understanding and perception."
Dear GOD ... is this idea of God Pantheistic code? " This depends entirely upon your idea of Pantheism. Patheism is a loose term and may be interpreted in various ways ; for instance, Pantheism conceives the Universe to be one eternal, involuntary evolution of an Infinite Being, as contrasted with Atheism, which is a positive denial of the Divine Immanence, and Agnosticism, which is a dogmatic doubt of the existence of God."
...ask God® Poster
Art Poster size is 22" X 34" / print: blue - black ink gloss / varnish clear coated